We believe every person deserves access to the support and lifesaving information they need.
Why did you start SocialGenomics?
Our founder Susanne is born in a medical family and witnessed first hand how many people are passing away because they could not access lifesaving information. As a scientists specialised she decided to invent a technical solution to let all people be part of making lifesaving information available for all and solving terrible diseases.
Can anyone join?
Everyone is welcome to join, but you must abide by the Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct allows our members to feel safe. We prefer you don’t promote anything to our members. If you are unsure, you can direct message a moderator. Moderators have a green check by their name. You can also ask in the support channels of the Forum.
What does SocialGenomics mean?
SocialGenomics stands for a social mission to create universal access to lifesaving information for every person on our planet. Social because by sharing our story we can save the life of another person. Genomics because we use deep expert knowledge from the medical field to connect people with specific diseases to lifesaving information that is relevant for them.
Are we a non-profit or for-profit?
SocialGenomics is a for-profit mission-oriented startup. We have chosen to be a for-profit because we believe that a healthy and honest business model will help us to impact more lives. It will help us to become a scalable company so that we can build technology to impact every person on our planet. We foresee a future where every person of the community can choose whether they want to support research, be part of research or join real-time sessions with physicians or scientists. That’s where we create a lot of value for research institutes. At this moment we are focussed on community building to bring the world together, not on making money.
Are we affiliated with any outside organizations?
This project is fully funded by the founder Susanne Baars and small donations by supporters of the mission. She deeply cares about the global mission and decided to use her own savings to start building. SocialGenomics is not affiliated with any companies, organizations or 3rd parties. We are not affiliated with any pharma or biotech company.
Is it free?
Yes, 100% free and always will be. We believe that every person should be able to access lifesaving information, anytime and from anywhere in the world. That’s why we start building SocialGenomics. To make lifesaving information freely available for every person.
Can I be anonymous?
All emails are hidden, protecting anonymity. You can also use a nickname to be anonymous.
Where are members in this group located?
Like rare diseases, SocialGenomics is global. We have members in every major city and country.
Why do you need my email?
We ask for your email in order to sign up for the SocialGenomics Forum and receive occasional emails with the latest news on the community.
Who runs SocialGenomics?
SocialGenomics is a community owned and operated by SocialGenomics b.v., the Netherlands.